"The Mummy" Map folding Directions - By LZeitgeist
1. Place the Map flat on a table, positioning it horizontally with the
'vulture' at the top left and the cornermost block of Egyptian writing at
the top right.
2. Fold in half, bringing the right edge to the left edge.
3. Fold in half again, right to left.
4. Fold in half once more, right to left.
5. Pick up the Map, keeping it facing you the same way as it was on the
table (don't rotate it or flip it). Fold in half, top to bottom, pushing the
top half away from you.
6. Fold the top third down, pushing it away from you.
7. Fold bottom edge up, bringing it toward you, making it meet the fold
made in the previous step.
8. The part that is facing you right now, with the edges of the papyrus
visible, is what is exposed when the 'petals' on the Key are opened.
9. When the Key is opened, rotate it so the exposed edges are pointed toward
you. When you grasp the topmost visible edge and lift the Map from
the Key, you will notice it appears exactly as it does when Evie first
removes it from the Key... you will also notice that, when the exposed vertical
edges are grasped and separated to the left and right, the Map unfolds,
right side up, facing you, just as in the immediately following scene. You
will also notice that the sharper, vertical creases and the softer horizontal
folds lie exactly where they are supposed to.
There you have it. One folded map. Good luck!